A precious treasure from the Pope’s heart and the Heart of Christ

The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network has a rich history in the Church, one that has been appreciated by many popes of the last century. In particular, St. John Paul II had a special fondness of the organization and even called it “a precious treasure from the Pope’s heart and the Heart of Christ.”

John Paul II addressed the national directors in 1985 and perfectly summarized the mission of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and set the groundwork for the recent recreation process.

The Apostleship of Prayer [now known as the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network] can bring a meaningful and concrete contribution to the diffusion, at all levels, of the great and consoling truth that all Christians can be intimately united to Christ the Redeemer by offering their own life to the Heart of Christ. I do not doubt that the Society of Jesus will continue to put its strength, its talents, its organization and its obedience at the service of such a high spiritual end. Again today, I entrust this commitment to the zeal of the Superior General, urging him to seek, in fidelity to the spirit of the Association, for more efficacious means adapted to our times to spread among all the faithful this awareness of collaborating with Christ the Redeemer through the offering of their own lives united and lived with the Heart of Christ in total consecration to his love and in reparation for the sins of the world. All this through the Immaculate Heart of Mary Most Holy, that heart which “is met spiritually in the heart of the Son opened by the soldier’s lance,” that heart which “was opened by the same love for man and for the world, with which Christ has loved man and the world, offering himself on the Cross even unto that stroke of the soldier’s lance.”

We continue this mission today by helping Christians offer their lives to the Heart of Christ. Born out of a personal love of our Savior, we strive to unite our hearts to the Heart of Christ on a daily basis through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This unification of hearts then allows us to encounter the challenges of humanity that the Pope proposes each month in his intention.

With renewed vigor we do this, as John Paul II encouraged us to do, in an “efficacious means adapted to our times.” Most recently we have done this through digital means, such as The Pope Video and the Click to Pray mobile app.

It is our hope that this “precious treasure from the Pope’s heart and the Heart of Christ” can be known by a new generation, uniting more hearts to Jesus through a profound “Way of the Heart.”

Will you join us?