Books & Publications
Support our mission and immserse yourself into the spirituality of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) through our books and publications. Below is a list of books by various authors associated with the United States office of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.
In Abide in the Heart of Christ, Rev. Joe Laramie, S.J., offers accessible wisdom from the foundations of Jesuit spirituality—St. Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises—in a ten-day personal retreat that will help you encounter Christ, grow your relationship with him, and shape your heart.
Fr. Joe Laramie, S.J., North American director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, offers a nine-day retreat that draws on the wisdom of Ignatian spirituality and the Sacred Heart devotion to help you know God’s love and desires for you.
Love Him Ever More is a powerful encounter with the Sacred Heart of Jesus that will help you encounter Christ in the world today and deepen your personal relationship with him.
A Year of Daily Offerings is a prayerful 366-day experience immersed in the lives of the saints, the rhythm of the Church calendar, and the stories of ordinary people who lived the Eucharist in their daily lives. It will help you reorder not just your devotional life, but the entire way of looking at your day.

A Heart on Fire: Rediscovering Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
A lively introduction to one of the greatest Catholic devotions–the Sacred Heart of Jesus–showing clearly how the Heart of Christ can be a source of joyful transformation for contemporary Catholics.

Pray with Me: Seven Simple Ways to Pray with Your Children
Grace Mazza Urbanski gives parents practical advice on how to help children find opportunities to pray throughout the day. Using warmth, humor, and passion, Urbanski draws on personal experience to show how families are brought closer together through deeper contact with God.

Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus
In the tradition of Michael Gaitley’s bestselling 33 Days to Morning Glory, Three Moments of the Day presents a classic Catholic tradition in a way that is fresh and compelling. Jesuit retreat master Christopher Collins introduces three simple, yet powerful prayer habits that are at the foundation of both the Sacred Heart devotion and Ignatian spirituality and that assist the reader in turning intentionally toward the Sacred Heart of Christ.

Stations of the Cross with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
This personal Way of the Cross from the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network beautifully expresses the deep connection between the Eucharist and the Cross. At each of the fourteen stations, readers are encouraged to offer themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by uniting their sufferings with his in the Eucharist.