Pray with Pope Francis

Transform the world through prayer and action with the
Pope’s Official Worldwide Prayer Network.

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Pray with Pope Francis

Transform the world through prayer and action with the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.

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The Pope's Prayer Intention

For Vocations to the Priesthood or Religious Life - February 2025

Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.

The Sacred Heart

The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) has a long tradition of devotion to the Heart of Jesus (Sacred Heart). It is a devotion that is intimately linked to our mission and symbolizes the love Jesus has for the world.

Morning Offering

We draw closer to the world’s suffering as we are united with Jesus. A central part of how we accomplish this is through a daily prayer of self offering, called the Morning Offering or Daily Offering. Through this prayer we ask the Father to make us available to the mission of his Son, offering him what we are and possess.

The Way of the Heart

As devoted friends of Jesus, we are encouraged to forge a deep, unbreakable bond with Him, allowing us to intimately share in His joys and sorrows for our world. “The Way of the Heart” empowers us to stand with Him and face the challenges that confront humanity and the mission of the Church.

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February 2025 – Monthly Prayer
February 2025 – Monthly Prayer

O God, Father of all Mercies,Provider of a bountiful Harvest, Send your Graces upon thoseYou have called to gather the fruits of Your labor;preserve and strengthen them in their...

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We pray and work to meet the challenges of the world identified by the Pope in his monthly intentions. Our work is supported solely through the gifts of our members and friends.