Draw Closer to the World’s Suffering
A central part of how we accomplish this in the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network is through a daily prayer of self offering, called the Morning Offering or Daily Offering. Through this prayer we ask the Father to make us available to the mission of his Son, offering him what we are and possess.
This offering can be done in your own words or following a written prayer. We ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to the needs and challenges that confront humanity and the mission of the Church, and pray for them following the Pope’s intentions for the month.

The Daily Offering
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month.
Additional Daily Offering Prayers
Daily Offering of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network
Good Father, I know you are with me.
Here I am on this new day. Place my heart once more
next to the Heart of your Son Jesus, who is giving himself for me and who comes to me in the Eucharist. May your Holy Spirit make me his friend and apostle, available for his mission of compassion. I place in your hands my joys and hopes, my works and sufferings, everything that I am and have, in communion with my brothers and sisters of this Worldwide Prayer Network. With Mary, I offer you my day for the mission of the Church and for the prayer intentions of the Pope and my Bishop for this month.

A Daily Offering for Children
For love of me you came to earth;
You gave your life for me.
So every day you give me now
I give back happily.
Take all my laughter, all my tears,
Each thought, each word, each deed,
And let them be my all-day prayer
To help all those in need.
St. Thérèse’s Daily Offering
Oh my God! I offer You all my actions of this day for the intentions and for the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I desire to sanctify every beat of my heart, my every thought, my simplest works, by uniting them to His infinite merits; and I wish to make reparation for my sins by casting them in the furnace of His merciful love.
Oh my God! I ask of You for myself and for those dear to me the grace to fulfill perfectly Your holy will, to accept for love of You the joys and sorrows of this passing life, so that we may one day be united together in Heaven for all eternity. Amen.

Daily Offering in Spanish
¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Inflama nuestros corazones en las ansias redentoras del Corazón de Cristo, para que ofrezcamos, de veras, nuestras personas y obras en unión con Él por la salvación del mundo.
Señor, Dios nuestro, Jesucristo: por el Corazón inmaculado de María nos consagramos a tu Corazón, y nos ofrecemos contigo al Padre en tu Santo Sacrificio del Altar con nuestra oración, trabajo, sufrimientos y alegrías de hoy, en reparación de nuestros pecados y para que venga tu Reino.
Te pedimos en especial por la Iglesia universal; por el Papa y sus intenciones:
Por la evangelización y conversión de todo el mundo, por nuestro obispo y sus intenciones, por nuestra parroquia, y por nuestras familias y necesidades.
Escúchanos, Señor, por Jesucristo, tu Hijo. Amen.