How to develop a daily habit of prayer

Do you lead a busy life and can’t seem to find time for prayer? Or maybe you started to pray every day, but then life got busy and you haven’t prayed since? It is very easy to get caught-up by the numerous activities of life and forget about prayer.

But what if you could make time for prayer in your busy schedule? What if you could guarantee a time for prayer every day? The good news is that it is possible and technology can be a great help in this regard.

First of all, one way to guarantee a daily time for prayer is to schedule it in the morning and evening. For many people if they don’t pray first thing in the morning, it never happens. Typically what happens during the day is never the same, as something always comes up. However, the time in morning and evening are usually like blank slates that remain constant.

Before you establish any morning or evening habits of prayer, one suggestion is to ask yourself, “Am I an Owl or Rooster?” This will help you understand which time of the day you can alter to make time for prayer. For some people, they are “roosters” and can easily rise early in the morning before anyone is close to waking up. For others they are “owls” and receive a renewed vigor at the end of the day.

Whenever you are most available to prayer, the key is to make it a habit. We all have daily habits, such as brushing our teeth. We don’t need to think about habits, they simply “happen.” Habits are so ingrained into our daily schedule that if we disrupt a habit, we feel like something is missing.

The most important part of establishing a schedule of prayer is to be intentional about it. We can’t say to ourselves that we will pray every day and then expect it to happen. We need to be deliberate and make it a priority, putting pen to paper.

One way to make it a priority is to use technology to remind us of our commitment to pray. Our digital prayer platform, “Click to Pray,” is a great tool that makes it easy to pray, even if it is for a few moments. No matter how long you pray, the key is to pray on a daily basis and make it a habit that endures.