“My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.”
(Jeremiah 2:13)
God created the world and saw that it was “good.” However, death and sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s word, doubting his love for them. By their action of disobedience, the world that God created “good” would now become “broken,” tainted by that Original Sin.
We can see the brokenness all around us and do not have to look farther than the latest news story.
However, there is good news.
Even though we have all sometimes walked away from the Lord and his plan for us, he is constantly asking us to return to him. There is a pathway that we can walk to return to the arms of our loving and merciful Father. It is pathway of the heart, recognizing the many injustices in the world and responding, in whatever way that we can, to help repair the damage.
This is our mission and the mission of the Church here on earth. We must pray and work together so that God’s love can shine through us and in us. God can shatter our darkness, but we must cooperate with him and his mission.
Let us pray this month and seek ways we can help conquer the brokenness in the world with God’s love and mercy.