On January 20th Father Blazek gave the final talks of an eight-day retreat he conducted at Port Au Prince, Haiti for 27 fully professed Missionaries of Charity in the Caribbean Region. The sisters, all members of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s order, entered the congregation from countries ranging as far as Rwanda, Madagascar, Poland, as well as India. The Caribbean regional central office is in Port Au Prince, Haiti. From there the sisters serve the poorest of the poor in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, St Croix (US Virgin Islands), Puerto Rico, and Miami.
The eight-day silent retreat consisted of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius adapted to the particular charism and mission of these generous religious. Father Blazek commented: “It is a privilege and an honor to share devotion to the Sacred Heart, the legacy of St. Ignatius and the latest resources from the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network with these good sisters. Please keep them in your prayers.”
From Haiti, Fr. Blazek flew on to Rome, where he will be participating all this week in an annual meeting of key national leaders of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) from around the world.