News from Rome: Day 5

Rome-The fifth and final day of our leadership council at the Jesuit Curia in Rome focused on plans for the future.  The third phase of the recreation of the Apostleship of Prayer, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network focuses on service to parishes and the mission of the Church.  In this phase we propose to take our message and materials on behalf of the Holy Father to the dioceses, parishes and other institutions in the Church.

Fr. Frederic Fornos, the International Director encouraged the team: “We emphasize the Way of the Heart as a way of formation for mission and as a school of prayer for the mission.”

“As a school of prayer, it brings us to contemplate the world with the eyes of Jesus, to become attuned with his sentiments, and to look on human beings with tenderness, compassion and mercy.  The Way of the Heart as way of formation leads us to a mission of compassion for the world.”

Fr. Blazek wrote: “We have formed here (in Rome) a real community among the international leadership of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.  I have a sense of deep gratitude for the service of Fr. Louis (Ramirez) and Fr. Frederic on behalf of the network, the Society of Jesus and the Universal Church.”

The conference ended in prayer and thanksgiving for the graces of the Holy Spirit received during the past week.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is pierced and bleeding for our transgressions, crowned both with thorns and the victorious Cross. It is above all on fire with love for all humanity.
Image above: Fr. Fornos, Fr. General, Fr. Blazek, Fr. Binh