Pope Francis invites the world to pray the Rosary for peace in May

After reciting the Regina Coeli on Sunday, April 29, Pope Francis has called the world to pray the Rosary for peace on May 1 and throughout the month of May.

According to America Magazine, “He told them that on the afternoon of May 1 he will go to the Shrine of the Madonna del Divino Amore, on the outskirts of Rome, where he will ‘recite the Rosary, praying especially for peace in Syria and in the entire world.’ He invited the faithful ‘to join him spiritually [on that occasion] and to prolong for the month of May the prayer of the rosary for peace.'”

Furthermore, “He mentioned North and South Korea and told the pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square that he was ‘accompanying with prayer the positive outcome of the inter-Korean summit last Friday and the courageous commitment taken by the leaders of the two sides to realize a path of sincere dialog for a Korean Peninsula that is free of nuclear arms.’ Then, referring to the hopes for peace between the peoples of North and South Korea, whose countries have been divided since 1945, Francis said, ‘I pray to the Lord that the hope of a future of peace and more fraternal friendship will not be disappointed, and that the collaboration may continue [by] bringing the fruits of good for the beloved Korean people and for the whole world.'”

Last of all, “the pope also called for peace in Nigeria. ‘In the past week, the Christian community of Nigeria was again hit by the killing of a group of faithful, among them two priests,’ Francis said. ‘We entrust these our brothers and sisters to the God of Mercy so that he may help these suffering communities to find again harmony and peace.'”

As members of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, we are especially called to respond to the Pope’s invitation to prayer during the month of May, as well as on the particular day of prayer on May 1.

Let us join Pope Francis in prayer during May, paying special attention to those areas in the world most in need of the peace of Christ.