It can often be difficult to find time to pray each day. Work, family and other obligations take most of our attention and when the day is done, we discover that we forgot to pray. One solution is not to first try grandiose plans for prayer, but to be consistent with a short schedule of prayer each day.
For example, praying for 15 minutes a day seems to be an attainable goal for most people. We can all find 15 minutes to pray each day.
Author Gary Jansen explains the reason why this particular number is so effective in his book, The 15-Minute Prayer Solution: How One Percent of Your Day Can Transform Your Life. Jansen explains:
“Did you know that there are 1,440 minutes in a day? It’s true. I did the math. Did you also know that one percent of all that time is fourteen minutes and twenty-four seconds? What would happen if you made a conscious decision, every day, to exercise your soul by giving roughly fif-teen minutes of your time over to God? Just one tiny percent of your life. Would your life change? Mine did.”
Some of us may be intimidated with that task of praying each day, but it really shouldn’t be a problem. We don’t have to start by devoting ourselves to a full hour of prayer. Instead, we can begin by giving God one percent of our day.
The key is to set-aside time every day. As the saying goes, “slow and steady wins the race.” Steady, consistent prayer has a much greater effect on our prayer life than intense bursts that fiz-zle over time.
One way to accomplish this daily regimen of prayer is to use our “Click To Pray” app. It is a constant reminder of our call to prayer and only takes a few minutes to pray. It is a great way to give God at least one percent of our time, leading us into a deeper relationship with him.
Praying for 15 minutes a day may seem like a short amount of time, but when it is done in faith the effects can last a lifetime. Not only that, the goal is that 15 minutes of prayer will lead to praying “without ceasing.” We must start small, have faith the size of a mustard seed, and let God do the rest.