We need your help! The Pope is taking suggestions for 2020 prayer intentions

Jul 27, 2018 | News

We need your suggestions for helping the discernment of Pope Francis for his prayer intentions in 2020.

Each month is typically dedicated to a specific category of intentions.

– The first category of intentions are on issues that can concern all people of good will, not only Catholics: “challenges that confront humanity.” They are for deep concerns of the universal Church, but they go beyond its boundaries. Basically they regard our desire for peace and justice in the world and the commitment of the Church with the situations described. The Pope himself invites us to pray and work for those issues, sending us out as a praying Church in an attitude of humble service and dialogue with the world. We are open to collaboration with people from other religions or that think different from us.

– The second category of intentions, on the other hand, regard challenges for the life of the Church, showing the desire to make of her a better instrument for evangelization.

E-mail us at intention@popesprayerusa.net by August 15 to propose an intention for the world to pray for in 2020. 

What is the process in the preparation of the prepared prayer intentions? The faithful from around the world suggest papal prayer intentions in each country to the national office, which select some of them for the international office of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network in Vatican City. Through prayerful discernment the international office selects a large number of them and submits them to the Pope to help his discernment. After his prayer and discernment, the Pope sends them to the International Director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network the official set of monthly prayer intentions, which are then translated into the major world languages and published in print and digital formats.

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The Pope’s Official Prayer Network

Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.