Prayer of the Month – September 2018

Aug 30, 2018 | Guest Author

O God, we ask you to guide and protect the young people of Africa from the dangers that are ever present in our world today.
Be with them, as they experience both sickness and health, sorrow and joy, loneliness and friendship, success and failure.
Gracious God, give them the courage and strength to make the right decisions as they journey through life.

Almighty, all loving God, may your Holy Spirit continue
to inspire the youth of Africa to grow in wisdom,
generosity and goodness. May they be signs of hope
and light, agents and sources of change to bring forth peace and justice in Africa.
May they share their faith, hope, joy, and enthusiasm for the gospel with the Church around the world.
May they always remember that you will help them to cross whatever puddles they meet
along the way. And in their needs, may they not be afraid to turn to Mary,
for she is our Mother, the Mother of Hope and the Queen of Africa. Amen.


The Pope’s Official Prayer Network

Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.