Making prayer a priority affects how we can serve others

Do you want to change the world? One of the most important activities to do, before going down to the local soup kitchen, is to pray.

Why is that?

It may seem counterintuitive, but the more time we devote ourselves to prayer, and our own spiritual life, the more energy and time we will have to serve others.

If we do not make prayer a priority we will likely become like a “channel” instead of a “reservoir.” Water goes in and out of a channel, but water in a reservoir remains and overflows. Saint Bernard put it this way:

“If you are wise, you will be reservoirs and not channels … The channels let the water flow away, and do not retain a drop. But the reservoir is first filled, and then, without emptying itself, pours out its overflow, which is ever renewed over the fields which it waters.”

This is why we make a Daily Offering, as it first fills us with God’s life, resting in his divine presence. Filled by God’s love, we are then given the necessary fuel to lead a virtuous life and engage in as many charitable activities that our day will allow.

Jesus himself would often go to a secluded place to pray before healing the sick and comforting the afflicted. It is this example that we should follow.

If we do not, we run the risk of becoming a channel that is easily exhausted, refraining from any good work because our spiritual sap has quickly dried up.

As we go forth about our daily business, consider making prayer a priority, giving you the energy you need to be a light to the world.