How to pray with Jesus in the middle of the day

The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network invites us to pray during three moments of the day. In the   morning, we offer ourselves to the Lord and say that we are available to him and what he needs from us. It is an attitude of availability to his mission that becomes concrete in the prayer intentions that Pope Francis gives us each month.

At night time, we take a moment to consider our day from the perspective of gratitude for all that    transpired, asking forgiveness for everything we have not taken care of properly and pledging to live with a new purpose that launches us to live the next day, in communion with the Lord.

In addition to these two moments, we also make a stop on the road halfway through the day for an   encounter with the Lord.

What is the orientation of this pause? How can we make this moment simple without interrupting our life? The meaning of this prayer in the middle of our daily tasks is to make present in the heart, in the mind and the will the reality that Jesus walks with us during our day. It is a reminder to us that we are in the hands of the Lord, that he accompanies us and helps us to walk our journey.

A few tips that can help you live this moment of prayer:

  • Take a moment to thank God for what has transpired up to that moment.
  • Pause to calibrate the heart, recognizing what feelings inhabit us, what situations have impacted us most, and what people and places have been significant.
  • It is also an opportunity to rectify the course of the day, renew the initial purposes of the day and re-launch the second half.

This time of prayer is usually relatively short and is inserted in the middle of the day of study and work. It consists of a silence of the heart. It is a time in which we quiet the noises and distance ourselves from what we are living and move outside of ourselves to see ourselves in the eyes of God. Tomorrow when you make this moment of encounter with the Lord, start by asking him how he has seen what you have done and what he must tell you. Let him lead you to look with new eyes at what has happened and re-launch your desires to inform the rest of your day.

– María Bettina Raed
International Co-Coordinator of Click to Pray
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Argentina)