Lent provides an opportunity for us to return to God. We begin this time on Ash Wednesday, when we seek conversion and a change of one’s life, renewing our hearts. It is this preparation that will lead us to the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection at Easter.
This time does not cease to offer us a strong invitation to conversion, calling us to return to God with our whole heart! Lent is thus a time to intensify our spiritual life. The Church gives us these holy propositions to consider during this time: fasting, prayer and almsgiving. These can lead us to a greater intimacy with God, who is rich in mercy.
Lent is also a time to experience God’s mercy through a good confession and, at the same time, practicing more intensely the works of mercy. By doing so, we can lead others back to God who still walk in darkness, without the hope, love and mercy of Christ, who constantly empties out his love for each one of us. Let us live this time of Lent well and, renewed in Christ, let us be light in the world, proclaimers of the Gospel.
- Angelica Silvestre
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Brazil)