Prayer of the Month – June 2019

Lord Jesus, our one true Priest before God the Father on behalf of us all, look with love on your disciples and ministers of your Sacraments, our priests. Help them to feel and recognize the sustaining strength of your love, a love which sends them to every person to proclaim the Good News of your victory over sin and death – especially to those who most resemble You, Jesus – the poor, the suffering, the discarded.

Jesus, crucified high priest, grant your priests on earth such a share in your priesthood, that they may make your words resound not only in their celebration of the Sacraments and in their preaching, but by the witness of their lives. May they work toward that perfect integrity of words and deeds which was yours, Jesus, so that with each day, they may ever more truly say with You, “This is my Body, which is given up for you.”

Help them, Lord, to accept no other standard but that of your self-emptying Eucharistic love – modest, humble, and poor. Amen