Lord God, author of justice and peace, give us your wisdom to know how to proceed in practical affairs!
Lord God of mercy and power, we recognize you as the source of all authority on this earth, and we beg that you give your grace to those who hold public office. In a special way, they need your wisdom to decide aright in difficult matters, and to defend those who cannot speak for themselves – the unborn, the immigrant, the senile, the despairing.
Lord, God of life and of love, you have chosen to make us stewards of this world. We beg you to help us use this office in a way that is pleasing to you and respectful of all our sisters and brothers, born and yet unborn. Give us the wisdom daily to be just in our own decisions and prudent in our own choices. Give us the heart to be willing to do the spiritual works of mercy, when convenient and when inconvenient. Make us men and women of integrity, and inspire those who have been entrusted with authority, al-ways to respect the natural moral law and to look for the common good.