Update: Our online store is CLOSED

Dear Friends,

I would like to clarify the status of our online and mail order Catholic bookstore.  It is closed.

We announced this several months ago in writing, and electronically, but continue to receive orders and inquiries. Sadly, in the era of one day deliveries, megastores, and increased print/postal costs, we were literally bankrupting ourselves attempting to provide our services with outmoded technology.

Today we provide the Holy Father’s intentions online, in email, with a smart phone app, and through a monthly video.  Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is shared through “The Way of the Heart.”

We will continue to send the intentions and quarterly US Postal service mailings with reflections to the homebound, those without internet access, and the incarcerated.  The November, December, January mailing is in the post even as I write. If you are in the habit of sharing the intentions with friends and loved ones, please feel free to download them. If you are on our USPS mailing list, watch for your copy in the postbox. You may copy them and distribute them freely.

Some have been frustrated by the slow communications by mail and phone with our office.  I am frustrated as well, but we must live within our means, like any ministry. The office staff and our volunteers are working at full steam to respond to requests and calls.

Please know that you are all daily in my prayer at the altar, as I say Mass.  Please pray for us at the home office in these days of change.  We thank you for your patience.

In The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,

Fr. William Blazek, SJ
Regional Director
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer)
Canada and the United States