The heart of the Church’s mission is prayer

On June 28 Pope Francis told us, “The Apostleship of Prayer, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network and in communion with him, reminds us that the heart of the Church’s mission is prayer. Be mindful: the heart of the Church’s mission is prayer. We can do so many things, but without prayer it does not work.”

These words remind us of our missionary commitment to apostolic prayer which we offer to the Father with the Son, to collaborate in his mission for all the brothers and sisters of the world.

But what is prayer? How can I pray if I have so many jobs and so many duties in my daily life? I can pray with my life, in the midst of my occupations and duties, for the Lord is there. I pray with my life every day, making myself available to collaborate with Jesus in his mission of compassion for the world, working with love and dedication.

I am praying when I offer my life every morning and work for my neighbor and pray for them. Also, I pray when I give thanks for my food or hug my neighbor. Furthermore, I pray when I encounter the Lord in silence and open my heart to him. Thus, all my life can be apostolic prayer.

Our mission is to pray and mobilize our life, praying with the Pope for the challenges of humanity and the mission of the Church, where our missionary horizon is extended.

  • Maria Bettina Raed
    Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Argentina – Uruguay)