(Video) Celebrating 175 years united in a mission of compassion for the world

Watch a special video that celebrates 175 years of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer)!!

Throughout 2019 we are celebrating the 175 years of the Apostleship of Prayer, today the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (includes the EYM: Eucharistic Youth Movement). We are also celebrating the 10 years since the recreation process began for this service of the Holy See, approved by Pope Francis in 2014. Since 2018, it is Pontifical Work. On June 28th and 29th 2019, we gathered in a special celebration with participants of the Prayer Network from all over the world. Our birthday leads us to thank the Lord for his faithfulness, to look at how He acts today as well as yesterday, and to open ourselves even more to his mission of compassion for the world”. During those two days, many national teams organized a special celebration in their country, and many others came to Rome to join in prayer and joy at this anniversary. Come and celebrate with us the 175 years!