On one Sunday each Advent and Lent, the priest will come out of the sacristy wearing rose vestments and inevitably makes some sort of comment about how the color of his vestments should not be classified as “pink,” but rose. Often the priest is somewhat embarrassed, especially when his parishioners give their pastor a hard time.
Yet, the use of rose vestments during the sacred liturgy of the third Sunday of Advent has been a part of the Church’s tradition for many centuries and is a tradition we must hold onto. Rose gives us joy and a promise of hope; our world is in need of both.
Pope Francis remarked in an Angelus address on the third Sunday of Advent that, “No one has ever heard of a sad saint with a mournful face. This is unheard of! It would be a contradiction. The Christian’s heart is filled with peace because he knows how to place his joy in the Lord even when going through the difficult moments in life. To have faith does not mean to never have difficult moments but to have the strength to face those moments knowing that we are not alone. And this is the peace that God gives to his children.”
As we go forth into the world, being available to Jesus’ mission, we should walk along the Way of the Heart with a joyful disposition. The world is broken and in need of repair and it is true Christian joy that will help put the pieces back together. Let us be hope-bearers, going into the world to address the challenges facing humanity, bringing joy and hope to a world in need.
- Philip Kosloski
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (USA & Canada)