A Worldwide Prayer Network

Jan 6, 2020 | Guest Author

With this stage we conclude the spiritual journey of the Way of the Heart. At the beginning of everything is God the Father, in love with us, who wants to speak to us. He comes to meet our restless and needy heart, to fill us with his grace, forgive us and make sense of our lives. What happens in the heart of every man and woman, their worries and emptiness is also what happens in the heart of humanity, so often void of God, peace and justice.

It is to this world that the Lord calls us, walking in the footsteps of Jesus, rejoicing in his joy and joining with his suffering. The suffering of Jesus has a concrete face in the poorest and most abandoned of this world. We are sent to them on a mission of compassion. This mission of compassion for humanity and the Church is embodied in a worldwide network of prayer and service, in union with the Holy Father.

Bringing prayer and life together, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network commits each month to having the Pope’s intentions as the concrete goal of its mission; possessing an apostolic readiness to carry it out, taking God’s love from his heart to the heart of humanity.

  • Antonio Valerio, SJ
    Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Portugal)


The Pope’s Official Prayer Network

Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.