Through sin we have turned away from the paths of God’s love and his mission for humanity. By doing so we often lose consciousness of our true identity as a child of God, seeking our own personal greatness above the interests of other people.
Mary, on the other hand, glorifies the Lord’s activity in her life and declares: “The hungry he has filled with good things, the rich he has sent away empty” (Luke 1:53). In many ways we try to fill our empty hearts with experiences that are supposed to make us happy, but are not what the Lord wants to gives us. Thus, the Lord gives us the great opportunity to rethink our lives and return as the Prodigal Son, full of nothing and empty of everything to receive from his Father the food of Life, and thus be able to share this bread with others.
Mary is the full, uncracked fountain that conserves the water from which her spiritual children drink. We need to be satisfied with this living water, which is nothing other than the feelings, the thoughts, the works of Jesus in the heart.
Those who are eager for power and domination will discover in his own emptiness the antidote against evil and the spring to seek liberation. The song of Mary can help him return to the Father’s House and let himself be loved by Him, filling him with living water. Only then will he recover his identity as child of God and can he collaborate with the humanization of others who fell into the same trap.
- Angélica María Moyano
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Argentina – Uruguay)