Prayer of the Month – April 2020

Lord our God, who came to set your people free, hear us!

You who led your people out of bondage in Egypt and set Israel free from exile, you whose prophets preached freedom from idols, you who did not spare sending your only Son to free us from every disorder that impedes our road home to you, hear us!

We ask you to look with love and mercy upon our brothers and sisters who struggle with addiction of any kind.   Grant, Savior, that they may all speedily find the help they need and be open to receiving it.  Triune God, restore and transform their relationships, lead to the healing of injuries done and to deepening love among all, so that those suffering from addiction may never be without help or alone.

Make your loving and healing presence known to them; sustain their hope that with your grace they can rediscover the freedom that you intend for them; open their eyes with the truths of faith, which guide us on a secure path of life.


  • Fr. Andrij Hlabse, S.J.