Lord God of all, hear our prayer!
Heavenly Father, you instituted the Diaconate as a degree of Holy Orders ordaining men called to tasks of service of the Church. You have consecrated our deacons to ministry of worship and service. You have imprinted upon them a character which cannot be removed and which configures them to Christ, the servant of all.
Strengthen them in their preaching, strengthen them in their teaching, strengthen them in their service. Strengthen them in a growing love for all your creation that they may be more closely bound to you and the faithful whom they serve. May they serve in the midst of all people especially the poor, the infirm, the abused, the lost and the hopeless. May they bring your love to your people through service and action and when necessary through words with the deacon St Francis of Assisi as their model.
Moreover Lord, may our deacons, faithful in their service, serve as models for the entire Church of being people of peace, people of the poor, and people of love.
- Deacon John Krenson
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (USA & Canada)