Prayer of the Month – September 2020

(Based on the First Principal and Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises)


You created us to praise, reverence, and serve You as our God and Lord, and by doing this we receive the gift of salvation. All other things on the earth are created for me, to help me to pursue this purpose of my creation. Help me to use Your creation insofar as it helps me to praise, reverence, and serve You, and free me of any created thing that hinders me.

Grant me the grace of indifference toward all created things, that I might seek only what is best for my soul and my created purpose, and that of my neighbor.

Let me prefer not health to sickness, wealth to poverty, honor to dishonor, a long life to a short one, nor any one created thing over another, save for what aids me most in loving You in this life, that I might love you eternally in the life You promise to those who praise, reverence, and serve you after the example of Your Son, through Whom and for Whom you created all things. Amen.