How to find silence on Christmas Day

Oddly enough one of the most difficult days of the year to keep holy is Christmas day. While it is a joyous day to spend with family, it is very difficult to maintain a spirit of prayer. It is too easy to get caught-up in all the excitement over presents and entirely miss the “reason for the season.”

To combat that distraction, there are two simple ways to sanctify Christmas day and keep your soul focused on the “Christ” in Christmas.

The first is to wake-up before the rest of the family and sit in quiet. Reflect on Psalm 45:11 where God says, “Be still and see that I am God.” We all know that once the children wake-up, chaos often ensues. That is why it is good to be deliberate and start Christmas Day in silence and prayer, focusing your attention on Christ.

The beginning and end of the day are often referred to as the “bookends.” Often we can’t control what happens in the middle, but typically we can dictate what happens when we wake-up and go to sleep.

These two ways may seem very simple and obvious, but sometimes we try too hard and fail in the process. Sanctifying Christmas Day doesn’t have to be a big orchestrated event. Instead, take the approach of imitating the simplicity and humility of Christ’s birth. Christ did not come into the world in the midst of fanfare or a light show. He came in the middle of the night, into the quiet.