Lord our God, you established marriage
as one of your first gifts to the human family,
and you sanctified it with your Son’s presence at the wedding feast in Cana.
You consecrated this bond of one man and one woman
as a Sacrament in your Church – a Sacrament that opens the door to a vocation
meant for the good of the couple, their children, and the whole world.
Lord, help us to recognize your plan for marriage as the gift it is,
showing us the way upon which you call so many people to holiness,
by living spousal love in family life with generosity, faithfulness, and patience.
Look especially with mercy on young people preparing for marriage, Lord,
and grant them the wisdom and courage to embrace your plan in full,
helping them by formation in their families of origin, among their friends,
and especially in the Church community.
May all young people live their marriage in a way
that truly reflects your unending love for the Church. Amen.
- Prayer by Fr. Andrij Hlabse, S.J.