A school of the heart

Click here to know more about The Way of the Heart, the formation program of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network—The Apostleship of Prayer.

The specific way in which we live the devotion to the Heart of Jesus in the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network is called The Way of the Heart, an itinerary of formation focused on being missionary disciples. It is a true “school of the heart.”

The Way of the Heart helps us to enter into the dynamics of the Heart of Jesus, in the dynamics of a mission of compassion that Jesus himself inaugurated. It is a path that shapes a process of apostolic faith, oriented to the transformation of the heart, from which arises the free decision to collaborate with the mission of Christ. It is a path that is born in the recognition that we exist in God’s love, and that our whole life is shaped by that love. All our life has to be a response to that love. This could be expressing gratitude in our deeds and in gestures of compassion and service that are done for others. The compass of this service are the Holy Father’s prayer intentions, which he entrusts to us every month.

The Way of the Heart is a pedagogy that focuses on the mystery of the Heart of Jesus and how his love transforms our faith into a missionary faith, urging us to go out to meet our brothers and sisters most in need. It pushes us to go out toward others, entrusting to God our own entire life in this mission of compassion, as a grateful response to the unconditional love God has for us.

  • Bettina Raed
    International Coordinator
    The Way of the Heart