Jesus looks at the world with compassion and tenderness, since his love includes everyone and goes beyond the circumstances of life. The joy or sadness of a brother or sister is a source of joy and sadness in his own heart. In the words of Pope Francis, “Human beings are so made that they cannot live, develop and find fulfillment except ‘in the sincere gift of self to others.’ Nor can they fully know themselves apart from an encounter with other persons: ‘I communicate effectively with myself only insofar as I communicate with others.’ No one can experience the true beauty of life without relating to others, without having real faces to love. This is part of the mystery of authentic human existence. ‘Life exists where there is bonding, communion, fraternity; and life is stronger than death when it is built on true relationships and bonds of fidelity. On the contrary, there is no life when we claim to be self-sufficient and live as islands: in these attitudes, death prevails.’” (Fratelli Tutti, 87)
Jesus calls us to love God and love others. Loving God means to take time in prayer to deepen our relationship with him. Fraternal love means listening, accepting, and speaking openly with others. My neighbor has dreams and longings for God deep in his heart; my brothers and sisters face life with hopes and fears similar to mine.
The path of becoming a brother or sister is lived from trusting in the Father’s promise of life. As we become brothers or sisters, our own life acquires new dimensions and horizons, new colors that fulfill us and bring us closer to the dream that God has for us.
Felipe Vicuña
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network