Prayer of the Month – September 2021

God of All Creation, we thank you for all of your good gifts, especially the many resources that are available to us to live happy and healthy lives. Because of our attachments, our greed, and our tendency to complicate things, we pray that you might give us the grace to see things differently. Clear away the obstruction of our attachments so that we might be attentive to loving people more than possessions. Liberate us from greed and overconsumption so that we can care for our Common Home and all of your creatures. Free us from unnecessary busyness and worry so that we might use our time well, for your glory and not for ourselves. We know that this will not be easy. We need your grace. Give us the courage to resolutely commit to living together in a simpler, more sustainable way. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Kevin Kuehl

Kevin Kuehl is a theology teacher at Cor Jesu Academy in St. Louis. He holds an MA in Ministry from Creighton University and a Certificate in Philosophy for Ministry from Saint Louis University.