A quote attributed to St. Therese of Lisieux summarizes the beauty of the Rosary.
“The Rosary is a long chain that links heaven and earth. One end of it is in our hands and the other end is in the hands of the Holy Virgin…As long as people pray the Rosary, God will not abandon the world.”
In some traditions this prayer goes back to the early centuries of the Church, but it is in 1208 that St. Dominic receives from the Blessed Virgin the mission of spreading it to the world. Furthermore, the victory at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, after praying the Rosary at the Pope’s request, confirmed its nobility and value.
Today, however, we pray to the the Lord to give us his peace as a gift and not an achievement. Through the Rosary, Mary wants to lead us to Jesus. In her appearances, especially in Fatima, she reinforces the appeal, that the Rosary be prayed every day in order to achieve peace in the world.
In a similar way, Pope Francis constantly reinforces this request made by Our Lady, and in these times the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network invites us to unite technology and prayer, praying the Rosary for Peace with the Click to Pray eRosary. We may, during this month, rediscover the value of the Rosary, asking Mary to educate us in the school of the Heart of Jesus, so that we may be promoters of Peace, finding it first in our hearts and then to the world.
Leo Geovane Pereira de Meira
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Brazil