Mary, Mother who takes care of the poor

Many are the invocations we dedicate to Mary. Let us look at her who believed that the Son of God could be born among the poor; let us invoke her as “Mary, Mother who takes care of the Poor”

On December 8 we celebrated the feast of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. It is a day where we honor the role Mary has in salvation history, as well as in our own lives.

Mary was the first to believe that the Savior could be born among the poor. She did not hesitate to say, “Yes,” to God when the angel Gabriel came to her and proclaimed to her that she would be the mother of the Messiah. God did not choose to dwell amongst us from a “wealthy” family, according to the worlds’ definition, but a poor and humble family. Mary accepted the task of raising the Savior of the world in her poor abode.

Furthermore, among the many the titles she has received, Mary continues to show us that the poorest are favored. For example, through her titles of Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Lourdes, Mary brings us the face of the underprivileged, showing us that in them we must recognize the face of Jesus.

Through her faith, Mary teaches us love and care for all human life. She reveals to us that, at every step, we must obey the will of God, and take care of the most vulnerable amongst us.

– Lilian Oliveira
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Brazil)