Living with purpose and hope

In times, like today, of widespread discouragement, the question “Who am I?” must make room for God’s great call: “For whom am I created?”

While the widespread concern about the pandemic has subsided, the shadows of war expand and continue to stain our days. We live in times of discouragement, where it is difficult to be hopeful. This reality should lead us to persevere in prayer, and to take advantage of the Easter season to re-visit the sources of our hope.

First, we remember that we are pilgrims. The Lord travels with us and sends a pillar of fire in the night to light our path. God guides us as we wander towards the Promised Land; we build altars to honor him and look forward to the Eternal Supper with the Lord.

Secondly, the Last Supper is followed by the persecution and crucifixion of Jesus; there the ground seems to open under our feet. We must therefore look at the cross of Jesus as a bridge that crosses the abyss of death. The cross is a path that leads us to the other shore, where God is calling us. Then the cross is no longer a burden, but an experience of closeness to Christ; it is not an obstacle, but a gateway to the Lord Who never fails us.

Finally, in the silence and uncertainty of Holy Saturday, we look forward to the victory of his Resurrection. He defeated death with love. It is sharing this Gospel message with others, as pilgrims of the Resurrection, that we dedicate our lives.

Today many people wonder, “Who am I?” Rather, let us ask “For Whom am I created?” We don’t need to eliminate our personal identity; rather, let us place ourselves in relationship with Christ. With him we can flourish; with him we can give ourselves to others in love. Truly we are disciples of Jesus, the Risen One.

  • Catarina Seixas
    Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Portugal)