Dear Lord, Father of young and old alike, teach us to honor those of our brothers and sisters who began their walks of faith before us and who continue on their journeys home to You. Guide us to see every person, regardless of age, as your precious and beloved child.
Give us the grace to reach out to those quietly in need among us and to be Your hands and feet for them. Through prayer and acts of service, help us to see Your face in the elderly in our families, neighborhoods, and churches. Help us to slow our pace of living and to appreciate the gift of these lives. We know that You make all things new, and so we ask that You call us to new friendships whose fruit will last.
You have given each of Your children gifts with which to serve You. May we recognize these gifts in ourselves and in others, so that together, we can build Your kingdom.
St. Anna, St. Simeon, Sts. Anne and Joachim, pray for us.

Lindsay Schlegel
Lindsay Schlegel is a daughter of God who seeks to encourage, inspire, and lift others up to be all they were created to be through writing, editing, and speaking. She is the author of Don’t Forget to Say Thank You: And Other Parenting Lessons That Brought Me Closer to God and the host of the podcast Quote Me with Lindsay Schlegel. Lindsay lives in New Jersey with her family.