Living in a wounded world

Sin wounds creation, sin wounds relationships, and sin wounds me.

The world is beautiful. We can see this beauty all around us. But at the same time, this world is full of painful contradictions. It is a world wounded by war, the ecological crisis, and sin. This reality can bring us to a moment of disenchantment.

St. Paul, in his letter to the Romans (8:19-23), tells us that creation suffers and that it puts its hope in humanity, so that we can take care of it, collaborating with good and with beauty. “Creation awaits with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God.” We are called to decide whether we will be accomplices of evil or collaborators with God; generators of life or death.

Our conversion is not simply a matter of self-improvement, so that we live better lives. We live in a wounded world that needs our personal conversion, so that it can flourish.

Pope Francis, in the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate, states that “the Christian life is a constant battle.”

“We are not dealing merely with a battle against the world and a worldly mentality that would deceive us and leave us dull and mediocre, lacking in enthusiasm and joy. Nor can this battle be reduced to the struggle against our human weaknesses and proclivities (be they laziness, lust, envy, jealousy or any others). It is also a constant struggle against the devil, the prince of evil.” (GE, 159)

The good news is that we do not have to be afraid, for the Lord accompanies us and “Jesus himself celebrates our victories.”

We are artisans of the world we live in, not through our own strength, but through openness to grace. Trying to establish the Kingdom without God is what creates a “living hell.” God is always with us. It’s up to us to make good choices in a wounded world.

Filomena Cardiga
(Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Portugal)