Approaching the Heart of Jesus

Jesus invites us to bring our heart closer to his, uniting ourselves with what is on his heart.

As members of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, we look to the Heart of Jesus on a daily basis. That same Heart, born in Bethlehem, presented, lost and found in the temple. That same Heart, baptized in the Jordan River, revealed at the wedding feast of Cana, herald of the Kingdom, transfigured on Tabor, and founder of the Eucharist. That same dying Heart in the Garden, scourged, crowned with thorns, that carried the cross, that was crucified and killed. That same resurrected Heart, ascended into Heaven. That same Heart remembered every morning in the Daily Offering, on the first Fridays of the month, on badges, holy cards and icons.

This same Heart invites our hearts to be closer to his, to unite ourselves with the mission He received from the Father. He invites us to be his friends, deeply united to him, recognizing the suffering in this world. The closer we are to His heart, the more committed we become to encounter the challenges facing humanity and engage in the mission of the Church. With Jesus, we can pray for the intentions that the Pope entrusts to us each month; in the Church, we labor in the Father’s vineyard alongside his Son.

As we draw closer to the Heart of Jesus every day, we get a little closer to our mission as apostles of prayer, missionary disciples, engaged in a mission of compassion.

  • Leonardo Damasceno
    Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Brazil)