In the Blessed Mother’s arms

Whenever I pick up my Rosary I imagine that ​​I am in the Blessed Mother’s arms and I want her to tell me about her Son, Jesus.

There are few things more comforting than a mother’s arms. That’s where we spend the first few months of our life. It is to this place that we so often try to return in our loneliness and discouragement.

Pope Francis told us at Fatima that in Mary “we have a Mother.” It is a simple statement, but with the power to send us back to her arms. To pray with Mary is to place ourselves in the arms of the Mother of Jesus, of our Mother in Heaven. In a special way, to pray the Rosary is to be in her arms, listening to her lullaby, and letting the Blessed Mother tell us the life of her Son.

This is the image that helps me whenever I pick up my Rosary: ​​I am in the Blessed Mother’s arms and I want her to tell me about her Son, Jesus. One day about the joy that he lived, another about the light that shone; one day about the pain she went through, and another I listen to her, excited, talking to me about the glory of the Resurrection.

During this month of September, when we celebrate Mary’s Birthday and her Sorrowful Heart, let’s ask Mary to be placed in her arms and let her tell us about her Son.

  • Pedro Lopes
    (Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Portugal)