With the growing conflicts around the world, resulting from wars, natural disasters, the sad consequences of the increase in violence, poverty and social inequality, as well as the generalized exaggeration of the violation of human rights, Christians are called to walk together with our brothers and sisters, who are victims of these situations.
Devoted to love and service, through prayer and action, our presence with them will always be fruitful and effective, because it is the Spirit who puts us on this path and guides our steps.
In the face of so many ongoing conflicts, let us pray in a special way for those forced to leave their homes and go in search of a safe place where they can protect their lives.
Prayer for Migrants and Refugees (Argentina-Uruguay Jesuits)
Heavenly Father, no one is a stranger to you, and no one is ever far from your love.
In your kindness, you care for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, those who are separated from their loved ones, those who are lost and those who have been exiled from their homes.
Bring them safely to the place where they want to be.
You send your Holy Spirit upon our rulers, so that they can enact laws and policies consistent with the dignity of every human person.
Grant us the grace of holy daring to be in solidarity with the most vulnerable among us and the grace to see in them the face of your Son.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who was also a refugee and a migrant.
Agnaldo P. Oliveira, SJ
(Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Brazil)