Prayer of the Month – January 2023

Dec 28, 2022 | Prayer of the Month

Lord God, your spirit of wisdom fills the earth and teaches us your ways.
Look upon all teachers. Let them strive to share their knowledge with gentle patience
and endeavor always to bring the truth to eager minds.
Grant that they may follow Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life, forever and ever.

From the Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers.


  1. Rev. Dr. James Jacob Showers Jr.

    May the Almighty Creator, guide, direct, protect and illuminate your every pathway.

  2. Jean Soto

    Where are the Pope’s intentions for the month of January?

    • Jennie Murphy

      Hi Jean, You may find the Pope’s intention for January here: Pope’s Prayer Intentions

The Pope’s Official Prayer Network

We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthens our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.