Young people who love, hope and pray

My name is Margherita, I am 24 years old and I am a Head of EYM in Italy (Eucharistic Youth Movement). I grew up in the Movement from an early age, first in the community of Cagliari and now, having moved to study, in the community of Turin. The journey in the EYM has taught me to live my faith in openness to others, in service and in prayer. Perhaps for this reason, when I was asked to participate in World Youth Day (WYD), I had no doubts about the decision. I had heard about it enthusiastically from many people who in the past enjoyed the experience. Over time, this “Yes” of mine has become increasingly stronger and the call that I felt in my heart months ago has remained constant.

One aspect that attracts me to WYD is being able to get out of my daily life, which is sometimes static and repetitive and other times too busy. At WYD I will be able to take the time to deepen my life of faith and share it with new people. This is also linked to the desire to encounter cultures, traditions and charisms other than those in which I grew up, which I hope will give me new experiences and tools to live my Christian life, especially as I am slowly building my life as a young adult.

Another impetus comes from the hope of finding in Lisbon an environment of community and fraternity, which can be a sign of life and unity in the Church. I look forward to recharge my faith and send a message to the world around us. A message that tells everyone that it is possible to live a fully united to Christ and that there are thousands of young people who are not afraid to commit themselves to doing so.

It is good news to see so many young people who hope, love, and pray, and who walk with the Lord.

Margaret Lavena
(Eucharistic Youth Movement – Italy)