For the Role of Women – Monthly Prayer

Lord Jesus, you who have given us Mary as our Mother: today I want to be grateful, with the whole Church, for all women: mothers, daughters, sisters, wives; for the consecrated women, for women who work professionally… for all of them, in all the beauty and value of their femininity. But I cannot forget the problem of discrimination women often experience That is why I ask You that every person, particularly, women, – who are more easily subject to violence and abuse- may be respected in their dignity and in their fundamental rights. Help me to make heard the voices of women who are victims of abuse and exploitation, marginalization and undue pressures and to speak out forcefully against the injustices to which they are subjected. May we make room, Lord, for their actions, and orient ourselves to the protection of life in every state, in every age and in every condition, and that we may value women’s undeniable and unique contribution to the common good. And at this time, when humanity is experiencing such profound changes, may women assist mankind from degenerating. Amen.