For the role of women

I have a friend named Lyn who’s old enough to be my mom. Lyn and I talk often about women’s roles in the Church. Interestingly, Lyn was my pediatrician when I was a child. She opened doors for my generation in countless ways, fighting for equality and respect in education, at home and in the workplace. I’m grateful for Lyn’s sacrifice, even though I’ve found the best manner for me to live out my own feminine genius is as a stay-at-home mom who writes a little on the side. Lyn and I have different views on many issues. Here’s a snippet of our most recent conversation:

Lyn: “The Church needs to encourage more active participation by women, including the role of female priests — Jesus appeared to women first after the resurrection.” 

Sarah: “But Jesus chose twelve male apostles to lead his Church. He could have just as easily chosen female apostles. His relationships with His Mother and other women direct us to a profound calling all its own.”

Lyn and I have had this conversation many times. Ours is always a pleasant exchange because our mutual love for Jesus and one another binds us closer than any philosophical differences we may have. I imagine a gal from the next generation — one of my daughter-in-laws, perhaps, (since I only have sons) will join us at the kitchen table one day. I imagine this younger woman will add her unique life experience and voice to the discussion in a meaningful way.

Because the issue of women’s roles in society and the Church is incredibly complex, it’s one that’s still unfolding. For this reason, there’s so much we’ve yet to figure out and why all of us — conservative, liberal and moderate — need to keep the conversation going.    

 Sarah Robsdottir 

A Catholic convert and a homeschooling mom to seven sons. Her debut novel Brave Water was released last fall by Voyage Publishing. Visit Sarah at