Pray with us! Thursdays in May. 15 minutes of prayer and reflection, centered on Mother Mary
We had a great Zoom on Thursday, May 2nd with 40 participants from the USA, Canada, and beyond. PWPN Intern Jocelyn led us in a reflection on 1 of the glorious mysteries of the rosary, ‘The Coronation of Mary.’ And, she shared a story of a nun who appeared in the chapel this morning– with a special message and a prayer card! We shared petitions and heard the words of Jesus from today’s Gospel, “Remain in my love.” [John 15: 9-11] National Director, Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, shared links and spiritual resources from PWPN to guide your prayer this month.
You can watch Thursday, May 2nd’s meeting below.
Join us! Next week we will focus on the Visitation – Mother Mary visiting her cousin, St Elizabeth.
Thursdays from the Heart at 3-3:15 PM central time on May 2, 9, 16, and 23. Register today to get the Zoom link [same link for all meetings]!