Listening with the heart

The cry of the earth and of the victims of environmental catastrophes is what Pope Francis asks us to listen to this September.

But this cry can only be heard with the heart, so that it activates us to do something for ourselves, for others, for our earth and its biodiversity that is crumbling to pieces thanks to our individualism and indifference.

The way of the Heart, our spiritual itinerary at its starting point reminds us that we did not decide to come to inhabit this planet. Someone brought us, Someone who exceeds the mere paternal-maternal decision, who cannot decide whether his attempts to engender will be successful or not, nor whether it will be a boy or a girl with such or such characteristics. Our starting point is the Love of the Father God who dyes our existence with this same color, Love. This is what you and I are here for. “The first and permanent Word in our life of faith is the eternal love of the Father…and it is reflected in everything he does for us every day: I love you. …LOVE is the way God looks at us and accompanies us always, regardless of the course our life has taken…” ECC 1

Our itinerary goes from the heart of God to the heart of his creatures, each one a unique reflection of his Father Creator. This is why Francis asks us to listen with our hearts, or rather to listen to the heart…God’s heart, our own, that of our brothers and sisters, that of creation that cries out with birth pangs for a new rebirth. “Recognizing that love leads us to reciprocate it.” ECC 1. Only the one who listens to the pain can respond, engage, mobilize with others and care.

Let us ask the Father what he wants from us, what is his intention in creating us and recreating us every day. Let us have the courage to listen to his answer and give our own, with a sober lifestyle, with gestures of love and care for everyone and everything, especially for our brothers and sisters, victims of environmental catastrophes. That will be our request for forgiveness, the true adoration, the thanksgiving that He deserves. “Let us weep with the bitter cry of creation, let us listen to it and respond with deeds, so that we and future generations may continue to rejoice with the sweet song of life and hope of creatures.” Pope Francis.

International Editorial Team
The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network