Hello Everyone! As members of the Apostleship of Prayer, we want to invite you to join us again if you prayed with us in May or to join us for the first time in this opportunity of praying together called Thursdays From The Heart. We have been trying to find a simple but awesome opportunity for us to come together in prayer with this beautiful community that we have. It was a great blessing for us all to meet briefly during May and we want to continue to offer that space for community again!
We will meet each Thursday at 3pm (Central Time) for a 15 minutes Zoom– in the Month of October (Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31)
We will spend a little time together each week reflecting and recharging. We will read the day’s Gospel, listen to a brief reflection, offer prayer intentions, and close in prayer together.
All you have to do is set apart 15 minutes each Thursday for the Month of May, and REGISTER with our google form so that we can send you a zoom link for all sessions, and a weekly reminder to make sure you don’t miss out on praying with us!
[Click] to Sign Up!
We are looking forward to sharing with you all in this new opportunity of praying with each other and for each other!
Apostles of prayer, will you join us, and Pray from the Heart?
If you would like to volunteer to open us up/ close in prayer, do a reading, or lead a brief reflection please sign up through this link, volunteer now.
In Christ,
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network Team
popesprayerusa.net @popesprayerusa