Caring for the Earth

Caring for natural resources today is a task for every Christian; this month’s challenge invites us to give a concrete response to care for our Common Home. Here are some ways to get involved from the perspective of faith.

“Promote global solidarity, bearing in mind that biodiversity is a global common good that requires a shared commitment; put people in situations of Vulnerability at the center, including those most affected by biodiversity loss, such as indigenous peoples, the elderly and the young” (Pope Francis).

Each person can be trained and learn concrete actions to take care of basic natural resources, water, animals, plants, food, fruits, from their own environment. Avoiding the unnecessary use of plastic, putting garbage in its place, giving up smoking, are actions that benefit those who suffer on the shores of beaches, rivers and places exposed to large-scale pollution. The practice of these recommendations would help to improve our common home. 

  “The bitter cry of creation, let us listen to it and respond with deeds, so that we and future generations may continue to rejoice in the sweet song of life and hope of creatures” (Pope Francis).

The current pace of life often leads the human being to an isolated and selfish life in which contact with oneself and with others is increasingly reduced, depriving us of extended spaces of coexistence and the full enjoyment of everyday life. People and simple things sometimes become exceptions. On many occasions the excess of noise leads people not to look at life with gratitude and amazement for all that it gives us. Loneliness, lack of attention, deterioration of human relationships have a significant impact on the increase of suicide rates, hopelessness in the younger generations, self-harm and other ways of taking life away from life. The Earth also cries out for these tragic events.

“To commit ourselves personally”. As people of faith we also feel the responsibility to act, in our daily behavior, in line with this need for conversion, which is not only individual. Our concrete actions make a difference, no matter how small the action, a smile, a caring gesture, listening, turning off a faucet, switching off an unnecessary light.

This month is an opportunity to become more aware and to act in favor of our Common Home, starting with the care of relationships and people, and continuing with every space we inhabit. The Earth, with all that is in it, is a heritage to inherit to new generations.

Heart of Jesus help us to take care of our Common Home.

Jacqueline Karina Castaneda Gonzalez

The Pope’s Prayer Network El Salvador