October 10 – Thursdays from the Heart

Oct 14, 2024 | Blog Articles, Uncategorized

“Go sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, then come, follow me” 

Today we joined together in prayer, not only praying for those around us but those affected by the hurricanes in the southeast and any prayer intentions in our own hearts.

When the Lord invites us to give our gifts, our time, our talent to those around us what stirs in our hearts? Jocelyn shares how in a bible study she is in it’s a gift to have women who have taken theology classes that can help others understand scripture better, in the same way that it is helpful to hear from other women who have a gift of wisdom and can help connect the words of God to how He is moving in their hearts.

Some have gifts within them, expertise in certain areas, wealth to share. The questions to pray with are “God where do you desire for me to give from? What gifts do you desire for me to give back to you ? Is it through service? through sharing at a bible study or leading one? Is it through volunteering and helping those in need? or through interceding in prayer? 

The Lord makes the invitation, he says “Come, follow me”, how will you respond? And remember that by our own will it would be impossible to enter the Kingdom of heaven, but with Him all things are possible. 

 Pray with us! Pray for us!

  1. Reminder: Zoom again, Next Thursday OCT 10th, same time 3PM (central USA time) 
  2. https://popesprayerusa.net/ & click ‘JOIN’ to be on our email list– weekly prayers, reflections
  3. And, invite a friend to pray with us too! Link here:https://forms.gle/aixBK9Z1zLEKmED2A
  4. Feel called to open up or close our group in prayer? Sign up here: https://forms.gle/bs7VdhLBxMCLuLsH7


The Pope’s Official Prayer Network

We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all