PWPN Fall Newsletter

The Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis

It was a parade, a brigade, a holy mob! I was at the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July.  With 50,000 Catholics from around the country, I adored Jesus in the Eucharist, celebrated the Mass, and prayed for deeper communion with Him in the Church.

I stood watching the Eucharistic procession as 1,000 religious sisters marched by. They sang, smiled, and waved. So many were so young! Senior sisters walked using canes for support, glowing with joy. They wore their distinctive habits of blue, brown, gray, white, and black. They honored their holy founders, St Dominic and St Francis of Assisi. A few of the newer orders have founders who are still alive, and barely fifty years old. Boys and girls who recently made their first communion walked along– the girls in their little white bridal gowns, the boys in dark suits. Squinting, waving, their rosy cheeks getting a suntan. We all sang with the choir, our voices lifted in the breeze; we sang to the Lord, “With a cry of praise my heart will proclaim: You are good, You are good!”

The seminarians walked by in their black cassocks and white surplices; they wore fresh haircuts, sunglasses, and big smiles. It’s true, the sun was shining bright on that Indiana summer afternoon. Indeed, the Son was shining brightly on us all! 

Two hundred bishops walked in their purple gowns and zucchetto [little purple hats]. These are the successors of the apostles. Jesus called twelve friends in Galilee to guide his people; 2,000 years later, our bishops walked in the footsteps of the first disciples. Today they guide 2.5 billion Christians around the world. 

Finally, in the place of honor came our King! Bishop Cozzens carried a large gold monstrance with a large Sacred Host: the Eucharist, truly the Body and Blood of Christ. This is why we came. This is why we sing– we praise Him! Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. He comes to us in the Mass, in the Eucharist. He draws us into communion with Himself.

I helped at the Jesuit vocation booth in a large conference room. I had Sacred Heart prayer cards available and shared information about the Apostleship of Prayer. “Father, our family prays the morning offering every day!” said one young dad. “We love the Sacred Heart!” cried a young sister. Others asked me to pray for them; sometimes we prayed right there at the booth, calling upon the Heart of Jesus for mercy and guidance. Our red Sacred Heart badges were also a popular item.

The Sacred Heart and the Eucharist

Jesus offered His Sacred Heart to St Margaret Mary in a small chapel in France. In her journal, she writes, “He told me to behold His Heart which so loved the human race!” At that time, devotion to the Eucharist was growing cold in many parts of the Church; some Catholics attended Mass rarely or not at all. Jesus told her that He wanted people to come to Mass more frequently to meet Him in the Eucharist. In particular, He invited the Church to honor His Heart on the first Friday of each month. On first Fridays, we can attend Mass or take time to adore Jesus in the Eucharist; or, if you cannot go to Mass, you could take time in prayer to the Sacred Heart.

The Sacred Heart badge

My grandma Laramie had a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart. When I was a boy, my family moved into a new house. I was carrying a box of books when I noticed her car. “Grandma is here!” I shouted. She pulled into our driveway, got out, and walked up to our house. She carried a small step ladder in one hand and a hammer in the other. She opened our front door, set up the ladder, and climbed up. With the hammer, she pounded a nail above the door. She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a red Sacred Heart badge, hanging it on the little nail. She stepped down to the floor with a big smile, “Now you’re home!” she said. We all gave her a big hug. She wanted Jesus to watch over our family as we opened and closed our front door– going to school, coming home from work, from soccer practice, getting groceries, and going to church. I have a Sacred Heart badge over my door today. He still watches over me. Thank you, Grandma!

Thank you for your prayers and gifts!

I am grateful! Our mission is not possible without your support. In June we had six ‘Hearts on Fire’ retreats for young adults in Ohio and Florida.  In June, six Jesuit seminarians joined me in speaking about the Heart of Jesus, adoring Christ in the Eucharist and speaking to our retreatants. Through this program, we are forming the next generation of priests to preach the Sacred Heart; and we’re touching the hearts of young people. After the retreat, one young woman wrote, “I feel reconnected with God and reinvigorated! I loved getting so much time to talk with the Jesuits and especially to go to confession!” A young man appreciated “Time away from the craziness of life and to recenter in God.” Amen. Lord Jesus, keep your Heart at the center of my life! 

With your gifts:

$500 covers my travel expenses for the Eucharistic Congress– sharing the Heart of Jesus!

$1000 pays for one ‘Hearts on Fire’ retreat, touching the hearts of 30 young adults.

$5000 covers costs for me and six young Jesuits for our summer retreats for young people