My Journey with Others in the Prayer Network 

Testimony of Julia Cadena, Member of the Colombian National Apostolic Team

As a member of the National Apostolic Team in Colombia, I truly believe that we are embracing a synodal way of life. In our meetings, we create spaces for listening, where each person is valued for who they are and what they bring to the mission. This allows us to journey together as a team. Our group is beautifully diverse, composed of a priest, a religious sister, a permanent deacon, and three laypeople. This reflects the synodal spirit Pope Francis encourages—learning from one another, enriching each other, and growing in communion.

Our mission has become increasingly participative. We’ve opened ourselves to collaboration with the Archdiocese of Cartagena, radio stations, parishes, and educational institutions. Our approach to the mission is varied; we engage in the digital space by contributing to social media, offering prayers on Click to Pray, and doing apostolate work with children and adults alike. It’s a rich ecclesial path where we work together, moving away from clericalism.

Julia Cadena  

Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Colombia